
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stephanie Swain from Delware

checking in with our farm exchange. Stephanie is a structural engineer in Virginia and decided to spend a part of her summer vacation helping us take care of the crops. she is awesome! this is a self portrait of her, doesn't she look happy?

Monday, August 2, 2010

feeding the lambs on the hill

Moo had mastitis and was unable to milk her lambs during her treatment. so, 3 times a day someone had to march up the hill and feed the lambs. here is Dorothea Braemer ( executive director of Squeeky Wheel) nursing our 2 lambs and Andes Sprouts first artist in residence Stefani Bardin.

photo by Stephanie Swain

Sunday, August 1, 2010

re-settlement of our sheep

The sheep were moved out of the barn onto the hillside last week. the new sheep shack was constructed by Erwin and Arthur out of recycled lumber from an old sawmill in Andes.