This winters project is to build a solar greenhouse! Fundraising, design and construction of the greenhouse will be complete by the end of February ready to start the first seeds: onions, scallions and leeks! Transplants from the greenhouse will be planted in fields at ASS and neighboring farms, including Straight Out of the Ground Farm, Roxbury, NY. A greenhouse at the AS farm includes 9 months of dynamic space use for both Andes Sprouts farm exchange and residency programs goals. Building a greenhouse on the Andes Sprouts farm allows the farm to extend the season, on both ends. Spring time use will include starting seeds for transplanting in the fields after June1st(traditional frost-free day around here). Come September, first frost can happen anytime in the Catskills, so a greenhouse can promote good conditions for frost sensitive plants.
Throughout the summer months the greenhouse turns into a lab for residency artists to develop bio-projects in.
Wreaths are made at the AS farmhouse by visiting farmhands and friends of the farm. Douglass fir, white pine, yellow pine branches were sustainably harvested at local farms supporting this project. Hot peppers are edible and are extremely hot, eat with caution, thai hot(tiny red ones) and limon pepper(habanero variety)
From December 10 thru the New Year
Wreaths will be hanging at
Second Stop Cafe
located on the corner of Lorimer and Ainslie St in Brooklyn,
open m-f 7am to 10pm
open sat+sun 8am-10am
EAT Cafe
located at 124 Meserole Ave. Greenpoint
open wed-fri 9am -10pm
open sate+sun 10am - 10pm
Please stop by and pick up a wreath and support our greenhouse project! Thank You.
photos by Jackie Nguyen