ASsociety canning school
Flesh Farm, Roxbury, NY
6 days and 600 pounds of heirloom tomatoes, the andes sprout canning school preserved 60 gallons of tomato.
tomatoes wash, cut stems and blemishes
olive oil drizzled in bottom of big pot.
fill pot with cut tomatoes(big chunks ok) to the top.
add pinch of sea salt and couple cloves of garlic
slow low heat for about 45min or until consistency is saucy, then cool to temp good for pureeing sauce with hand blender.
return to low heat, bring to boil. add genovese basil and hot pepper
canning teacher
Valer Flesh. chef of simple foods opened her commercial kitchen at the Flesh Farm to ASsociety canning students for hours and hours of simmering tomatoes. Valer has been a chef at Cleaver Organic Catering Company, nyc for 10years+.
canning students
Jordan Colon. Greenpoint,Bklyn, Eat proprietor
Erwin Karl. Jefferson, NY, Naturalist
Emily Joiner. Williamsburg, Bklyn, Community Strategist
Cedric Martin. Greenpoint,Bklyn, Artist
Arthur Warren. Roxbury, NY, Prospector
tomatoes, garlic, hot peppers, genovese basil
provided by cooked goose farm.